Affiliated by QF Trust (5954)Redg. Under Niti Aayog ,Dl/2021/0282728, Government of India Since (2008)


Diploma & PG Diploma

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art of placement which channelizes energy of the 5 elements, heaven(kan) and earth (yu) for benefits of human beings. Feng Shui is based on Universal laws like gravitation of earth, earth’s movements, its tilt on its axis, etc. due to which it can be applied Universally be it India, China, America, Africa, Australia or any other country or continent. Feng Shui aims at creating auspicious and positive environment with simple symbolic cures and placement as it does not recommend heavy structural changes in property. Due to this reason Feng Shui has developed as a much cheaper, effective and easy to apply alternative of Vastu Shastra. Today many Vastu experts are using Feng Shui cures for remedy of properties.

Architects, Interior Designers, Engineers, Astrologers and many other technicians world over are applying rules of Feng Shui to make their work more effective and beneficial for their clients. Feng Shui works not only in homes but it also helps to generate positive results of nature’s energy at factories, offices, schools, hospitals, godowns, shops etc.

Vedic Shiksha Peeth of Occult Science is the only institute in India of offer the fundamentals of Compass school of Feng Shui in original Cantoneese Chinese which has been translated to English by experts of VSPOS, Also, VSPOS shall teach its students basic form school Feng Shui and reading Tung Shu (the Chinese Almance or panchanga). Institute’s Feng Shui course with a package of Chinese Astrology that enables students to make Chinese horoscopes and make suggestions based on that. The student shall also learn Lo-Pan(Chinese Compass) which has many rings and many styles. The institute imparts training on various ancient yet powerful Chinese formulae that are based on Late and Earth Heaven sequences, Sam Yuen flying stars, etc.

The course on Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology Astrology will make students a genius in the filed of energy balance, bergs restructuring and energy channel sing based on Feng Shui concepts which are proven effective since last 500 decades. VSPOS students shall probably be the best Feng Shui consultants of future with unmatched quality knowledge and instrumentation.

Diploma in Feng Shui (DIF) : SYLLABUS


Chinese culture and Philosophy, Universal Laws of Feng Shui, Scientific background, Chinese Geomancy, Scope and applications of Feng Shui in day-to-day life, the three Divine fates, from and Compass schools of Feng Shui, etc.


Five pillars of Feng Shui: The elements, description of each element, their effect on each other, elements and houses, element and direction, Basic drawing skills, making zone plans, finding different sectors, etc.


Chinese Astrology : The principal personalities, character, tendency, know-how,physical aspects, behavioral aspects, career, etc. of people based on date of birth, yearly and monthly prediciction and changes to be done in houses based on them.


Feng Shui concepts, Tai-Chi, celestrial energies and placements, the basic shapes and energy flow in them, positive and negative and negative energy, vibrational clearing aspects, etc.


Feng Shui and placement, site selection based on Feng Shui, key aspect for selection of site on Feng Shui principles, Lo-Shu chart and its application on different areas of life, predicting problems in a house based on observation, etc.


Interior aspects of house, placement as per Feng Shui Principles, Auspicious and inauspicious facing directions, dimensions used in Feng Shui, etc. Same as that of Diploma in Feng Shui.

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