Affiliated by QF Trust (5954)Redg. Under Niti Aayog ,Dl/2021/0282728, Government of India Since (2008)


Diploma & PG Diploma


Ramal Astrology (Jyotish) is a method of talking with universe by developing intuition by perceiving some symbolic hints with the help of subconscious mind. In Ramal jyotish ( Ramal Astrology) these hints are in the form of images (faces) on Ramal dices.

Its not in our hand to change the future, but we can predict to some extent, then what is benefit to Us is, we can prepare ourselves in advance accordingly. We can reduce the frequency of event if not favourable.

Ramal Dices are manufactured in particular ratio of different metals in specific Nakshatra & Tithi. Ramal is a language of symbols. It’s a subject of divine blessings.


Ramal Astrology Course Syllabus:-

  • History & origin of Ramal shastra
  • Famous Stories of Ramal Jyotish shastra
  • Precautions during Ramal shastra application
  • How to Manufacture & Use Ramal dices
  • Methodology – Ramal Dices & Cards
  • Amazing Ramal kit Demonstration
  • How to prepare Ramal Hosroscope
  • Casting of 16 square Ramal kundali or Ramal Chart
  • Explaining 16 squares of Ramal kundali
  • Meaning of 16 images in Ramal shastra
  • Analysis & interpretation of Ramal kundali
  • Prediction Method Analysis
  • Prashna Based Calculations & Predictions
  • How to use to “विजदह पंक्ति कालचक्र”calculate the span of event
  • Ramal Prashanawali Cards
  • Casting Ramal chart with the help of Ramal Cards
  • Predict Prashna through Ramal Prashnavali Cards
  • Eventually & Prashna based Remedies
  • Question & Answers Session.
  • Practical Exercise.
  • Including study material
  • Exclusive Ramal Kit

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